Our approach to Reporting Claims

Welcome to Field Insurance Brokers Inc. Online Claims Notification System.  The Online Claims notification system allows Field Insurance Brokers Inc. policyholders to report their accidents or losses through the Internet. The system allows you to report your claim at your own convenience and pace, twenty-four hours a day. Please make sure you have all your documentation regarding your claim handy as you go through the reporting process.

Quick Claims


In the event of a motor claim, please call  your Road Rescue team immediately.   They will take it from there and will begin processing your claim right at the scene. Choose your Road Rescue provider from below:

BCIC Insurance 246-621-7340
Beacon Insurance 246-621-5000
Press “0”
Caribbean Alliance Insurance 246-426-9500
CO-OP General Insurance 246-233-8600
Equity Insurance 246-436-9300
Guardian General Insurance 246-430-4600
CG United Insurance 246-418-2277
Sagicor General Insurance 246-234-4357
Trident Insurance 246-426-9500

Here are some guidelines in the event of a motor accident:

  • If someone is injured, request medical assistance. If fire is involved, call the fire service at 311.
  • Gather all motor vehicle documents and certificate of insurance
  • Exchange pertinent information with the other driver(s) including the other driver’s name, address, phone number, licence plate number and insurance information
  • Write down the contact information of all witnesses
  • Do not discuss the accident with anyone other than the police or the Accident Assist representative
  • Fill out your Motor Quick Claim’s Form (below) as soon as possible


Here are some guidelines in the event of a covered loss to your property:

  • Report the incident to the Police (211) and, if necessary, Fire Service (311)
  • In the event of a burglary or theft, do not touch or move any potential evidence. Wait for the police to investigate and assess the scene
  • Gather all insurance documents
  • Prepare an itemized list of all damaged or missing items
  • Submit to Field Insurance Brokers Inc., a copy of your statement given to the police

By using this service you can expedite getting accident or loss facts to our office so we can notify the proper insurers on your behalf. You are also welcomed to telephone or fax your information to us. We will continue to monitor our claims mailbox at info@fieldinsurance.com on weekends, and holidays.

Follow up on these claims will only be for existing customers of Field Insurance Brokers Inc.

Motor Vehicle Claim

We provide comprehensive coverage, which covers the insured for loss or damage suffered as a result of theft, collision, malicious damage, flood, fire, and hurricane. Included in the own damage coverage is liability coverage for injury or damage caused by the insured to third parties.


Health Claim

Essentially, health insurance subscribers enter into an arrangement with a health insurance company in order to reduce the impact of the cost of medical expenses. There are many different types of insurance coverage plans, and even more ways of paying for them.


Motor Quick Claim

1 + 3 =

Health Quick Claim

1 + 1 =

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